The whole world is facing the gigantic challenge of the corona virus these days, including us at Gustav Wolf with our customers, suppliers, employees and partners at 7 locations in 5 countries. In this information letter, we would like to keep you up to date on important developments and measures taken by GW group in view of the emerging risk scenario Covid-19.
Gustav Wolf takes the global spread of the corona virus very seriously right from the start and has therefore set up a cross-location management team since the epidemic / pandemic became known. In coordination with the authorities and experts, this team reassesses the factual and informational situation every day in order to verify the documented pandemic planning and, if necessary, defines additional measures to ensure the complete maintenance of our product and service availability.
The top priority for us is the health of our employees, customers and suppliers at all times. The effectiveness of the measures we have taken can be seen, among other things, in the effects of the current threat situation on Gustav Wolf: so far we have not had any confirmed cases worldwide and we do everything we can every day to ensure that it stays that way.
Preventive measures taken
Gustav Wolf defined a multi-stage program of measures in order to protect and contain the course and arising risks due to the current threat situation. Among other things, this program states detailed instructions & guidelines regarding:
• definition of a cross-location, intercontinental management team CoVid-19,
• definition of a multi-level program of measures,
• drastic cessation and gradual relaxation of the regulations for travel domestic and abroad,
• initial instruction of employees and partners of the company as well as continuous information and maintenance of awareness,
• information regarding preventive hygiene and behavioral rules as well as monitoring compliance,
• revision and redefinition of existing cleaning plans and concepts,
• ensuring the availability of hand and surface disinfectants at GW locations,
• drastic restriction of building access for internal and external personnel,
• cancellation and postponement of events and seminars,
• definition of preventive quarantine for secondary and tertiary exposed persons and those returning from vacation,
• use and expansion of opportunities for digital collaborative working within the company and in the home office,
• limitation of the accumulation of people to max. 2 person, conducting meetings and gatherings exclusively through digital solutions of collaborative work,
• expansion of redundancies and existing capacities at our production sites,
• Temporal and physical separation of employees in order to minimize the risk of infection and spread
Supply chain continuity
Due to restrictions within the international flow of goods, there may currently be delays in delivery of individual products and services. This can result in changes to our delivery terms and conditions. With our extensive program of measures, we are doing our best to keep the impact of the pandemic on Gustav Wolf as low as possible and to contain it as best we can. Should there be a performance bottleneck despite all measures and efforts, we will work closely with our partners to find solutions as quick as possible.
Due to the effects of the pandemic, impairments inside and outside cannot currently be avoided entirely. Even if the precautions taken in this regard can be perceived as restrictive or even uncomfortable, they serve solely to maintain your health and that of colleagues and their relatives, as well as our product and service availability. Gustav Wolf and its customers, suppliers, employees and partners face a major challenge that we can only tackle together. Please inform us about developments and special features in your company so that a safe and robust solution can be found for all parties involved. We expressly thank you for your understanding and discipline in the implementation of current and following measures. Please take care of yourself and your fellow human beings!
Reference to further information